Thursday, July 29, 2010


For the last one month,I have been attending a certain class which is supposedly imperative to make my CV look better and no matter how much I try,her lectures live upto their high hypnotic standards.

Forced not to pay attention to her monotonous and sleep inducing voice,I notice the measures people take to sail through the entire class duration...

1.Sleeping with eyes wide open : YES!!!
There are people who can manage this art.Three years of Engineering lectures can teach you a lot of things.

2.Wide use of technology : Thanx to 3G.people now have Internet on the go on their cellphones.Even during a lecture...FACEBOOK ZINDABAD

3.Gaming: Sleep inducing lectures bring out the best in people in terms of coming up with games that help them survive the lecture.Pen fight and stuff of those sorts-these are games of the past.Technology and Vella days have certainly inspired people to take gaming in lectures to a new standard.

4.Chit-Chats : What exactly is required for two people to talk in a lecture??
Nothing but a boring teacher with no intention of taking a break,Last bench,AC......and well,of course GOSSIP;)

5.Hope : People hope that the lecture will end soon and have faith in their potential to survive it.

P.S : No matter how boring and hypnotic the lecture can get,kids on the first two benches can always be seen STUDYING..!!

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