Time and again we all talk about the kind of progress India has been making over the past few years.But one thing that I have difficulty in understanding is that the the "Progress" that we are referring to is the development that takes place in the cities or at the grass root level?!?!?
It's high time we do a SWADES check out because the conditions in the small towns and villages in India is ostentatious to say the least.In this post I would like to mention how traumatic it is to TRAVEL in India..
I have already stated here that my college is in a small Haryana village and the ride back home is pathetic in short.As soon as I get out of my college,the first thing I get to travel in is a VIKRAM-this is a mini auto-cab thing where people sit anywhere and everywhere they get a place to sit on,which also includes the top of Vikram. A minimum of 15 people can sit in this auto.I actually thank God that my parents don't get to see me travelling in this else only my parents and god would know what all I would be subjected to for travelling in a way like this...
Next we get to travel in a CAB.I can call it a cab because whatever it might look like distinctly it does resemble a cab.But,once you are inside this cab all your worst nightmares will come true as the cab would be overstuffed with people and your life would be in a jeopardy.The LUCKY driver gets to sit with 4 people and he specializes in multitasking to say the least-he manages to sit with so many people,drive the CAB,change the highly entertaining music,collect the travelling expenses...and oh yeah..how could i forget retorting to abusive language with a fellow cab driver...The situation worsens for people sitting in the back seats.I thank God that I manage to travel with earphones in my ears and a friend for company!!
Adding to the already miserable journey is the condition of roads.My spine never feels the same and the way I look after coming back from college,I leave my mum wondering as to what I am really up to in college!!
And right now,I am talking about ONE Haryana village.With 28 states and countless towns and villages,I simply don't know how does one manage to travel in the interiors of our country.Transport,I guess is the very essence of development and with the transport crisis that we face,I have a difficulty comprehending the rate of success that we will witness.
This is in hope that some serious steps would be taken to improve the conditions in our country,else God Bless us all...
i wish d same...d ride bk home leaves me in a real mess...