Tuesday, October 13, 2009

WaKe Up SuKrItI !

In case some nutcase has been wondering about the reference to the name SUKRITI,I would like to tell you that it is Me.For a starter I thought against hiding my identity here and writing a post about the movie I just saw!!

My lazy ass is again the reason for this delay in watching Wake up Sid which is so very MEEEEEEE...
  • Sid's love for PHOTOGRAPHY is something that really kept me glued to the movie.Photography is one of the things that I really love to do.Keeping memories of various incidents in life,freaky things I do,places I visit,people I meet..the collection is large and I cherish it..
  • Unbelievable and colorful collection of socks...I go crazy about them! Colorful socks,socks with patterns and socks with cartoons..wow :)
  • The art of not knowing any household work (or perhaps anything for that matter)is something I am proud of and don't shy away from announcing publicly ;)
  • Being a child at heart is something that I always advice people and on seeing SID in the movie,I was so happy because I could find somebody who shared the same thoughts as mine..
  • Not studying during exam time is something I have learnt over the past two years.Be it engineering or some commerce related shit,both drive you nuts for sure...!!
  • Having fun with college friends is something I have just got accustomed to.Love you Rishi n Rahul in that regard..muaazzzz...If you do manage to find good college friends,then you gotta feel lucky because its a luxury that only a few can afford..
  • Oversleeping the night before an exam after having Coffee is something that I have been regretfully  witnessing on the days of my major exams..
  • It would do me a lotta good if I don't mention anything about my uncontrolled temper..
  • Failing in any major exam was the only thing left in my life but AUTOMATA took care of that too...
I loved the movie and Ranbeer Kapoor even more;)
It's one of those rare movies that tackles the issues  kids our age face and the way the entire thing was handled,it was marvelous.The music complemented the movie well and made it a package that deserves the applauds its getting...

Wake Up Sids and Sukritis and go find your true destiny.It might sound impractical to ask people to follow their dreams because at times the situations we face force us to drift away from the paths that we have chosen,but we can always give it a shot..Go Get It People..
Wake Up to the world of opportunities that are there for you..
Wake Up and give the love,care and affection that your parents so truly deserve..
Wake Up and always be there for your friends whenever they need you..
Wake Up and be generous to give a stranger a helping hand..
Wake Up and live life..
Wake Up and try to be what you want to be...


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