Monday, June 15, 2009


"Some people have dreams that are so outrageous that if they were to achieve them,their place in history would be guaranteed.But what if one man had such a dream and,when he'd fulfilled it,there was no proof that he had achieved his ambition?"
(Courtesy:Paths Of Glory)
The above lines are enough for anybody to grab the book and just start reading it..
It's not that I'll be the first one to give reviews about the latest "JEFFERY ARCHER" in the market but since many of my friends have not read the book,they might as well take my suggestions and NOT read it if they want to prevent themselves from the torture the book inflicted upon me...
To admit the fact,I had not heard about George Mallory until I read one of Archer's interviews about this book.But it's a shame that the world is stil divided upon their opinion as to whether HE really was the first person to climb the Everest.
Paths Of Glory is the story of George Leigh Mallory,tha man who led the first expedition to Everest and after the unsuccessful attempt in 1922,went again in 1924 but unfortunately could not leave behind any proof just because he could not come back and his body was discovered 75 years later in 1999...
Not one of Archer's best nor his worst but the book was really slow,not very gripping either.With the plot he had chosen I wonder if there was anything he could have done!!
There are incidents in the book that people can like but it's not a book that will stay in public memory for long.
Sorry Sir,but could not force myself to like the book.


  1. yaar yahaan b buks..y..y??

    bt newayz..dat thng gud

  2. oi...i read buks so YY wnt i write comments bou dem??
    thnx btw....
